Every day you faithfully take a supplement, but in addition to your daily dose of Gingko Biloba, could you possibly be swallowing house plants and other cheap fillers? A US study published in February rattled the supplement world and cast serious doubt among people who routinely take supplements and rely on them to promote good health. DNA testing by researchers revealed a high quantity of retailers used fillers like wheat, rice and common house plants in their store-brand supplements.

This can lead to serious risks to a consumer, as using cheap raw materials and adulterated ingredients can cause allergic reactions and other adverse events in people who require daily doses of health-promoting nutrients. Retailers are also guilty of outsourcing the manufacture of their products, which often contain toxic metals, pesticide residue and microbes because of unregulated cost-cutting measures.

So what’s in your Jamieson supplement? Rest assured that it contains what it says on the label. Jamieson’s 360 Pure promise means that we reject cutting corners by sourcing ingredients from questionable suppliers. Our ground-breaking protocol involves, at minimum, 360 individual quality-control steps with multiple impurity tests and exacting standards at our state of the art facilities.

With an unprecedented amount of choice in nutritional supplements, we believe that you deserve the kind of product that you can trust to deliver the benefits that you rely on every day.

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