It is hard to believe that cold and flu season is upon us once again. With school, work and play the germs are pretty unavoidable. Exposure to viruses is unavoidable, unless you live like a hermit. However, whether you succumb to a virus depends highly on the strength of your immune system at the time of the infection.

You should always take the steps to avoid getting sick, like washing your hands and avoiding touching your face and mouth often, but if you should get sick here are the 7 items to always have on hand.

1. Humidifier– Flu viruses thrive in cold and dry places, making cold air the perfect breeding ground for the virus.  By keeping humidity levels in your home between 40 and 60 percent you can reduce the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air. Use a cool mist humidifier in all of the bedrooms to reduce germs and keep your home comfortable,

2. Sanitizing Wipes– When one person in a family gets sick, it seems to make the rounds through everyone. I always make sure to use disinfectant wipes to wipe down my workspace daily, as well as my telephone, mouse, and keyboard.  Doorknobs and shared items like TV remotes and children’s toys are often overlooked, but are so important to keep clean and germ free.

3. Jamieson Zinc Lozenges– Try taking them as soon as you start feeling under the weather. Zinc is a mineral essential to the cells of the immune system, and study found that ingesting it within 24 hours of the onset of cold symptoms reduces the duration of the illness. You could also ramp up your intake of these 13 zinc-rich foods. In addition to cutting the time of your colds, zinc may boost your libido, help heal wounds, and prevent out-of-control inflammation.

4. Tissues and More Tissues– A runny nose, sneezing, and coughing are common cold and flu symptoms. They’re also the main way that flu droplets spread cold and flu germs around the house. Always cover your own coughs and sneezes with tissues, and teach kids to do the same. Don’t let used tissues lie around the house. Get them in the trash right after they are used. If a tissue isn’t handy, cough into your elbow instead of your hand; this way, you’re less likely to spread germs. Remember to keep washing your hands with soap and water between tissue uses.

5. Jamieson Vitamin C– Vitamin C boosts the immune system thereby aiding in the prevention and treatment of the cold and flu. Jamieson’s Vitamin C Chewable is 100% ALL natural and a great source of high potency Vitamin C.

6. Rest– Whether you’re trying to recover from a cold or flu, or trying to avoid it, get plenty of sleep. Get your kids to bed on time, too.

7. Patience, love, and understanding.  When you’re not at 100%, it can feel a bit helpless and frustrating. So it’s always good to remember to ask for help, have love and patience, and keep yourself healthy!

These are some basic measures to avoid getting sick this season and next. And, if a family member does happen to get sick, you can use these ideas to prevent passing the illness around. It is no fun when everyone is down for the count!